In her photography and video work, Katarina Matiasek questions the relationship between image and reality, she investigates the structural connections between media and perception-based images and the cognitive operations that lead to the construction of our world. This approach also informs her free curatorial projects that typically engage the audience in a densely-layered decoding process.


1994 Visual Arts MFA, University of Applied Arts, Vienna 

Visual Anthropology MSC, University of Vienna

1999 Artist-in-Residence, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin

2003 Artist-in-Residence, School of the Art Institute, Chicago

2005 Sound Spaces - Atmospheres Residency, Domus Academy, Venice


2014  Mock Rock/ Vienna Art Week, Stable Gallery at Palais Brambilla, Vienna

2011 Subsequent Formation/ with Andreas Heller, curated by David Komary, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems

2006 On Exit Frame Go Loop/ with Stefan Lux, curated by David Komary, dreizehnzwei, Vienna

The Sound Of Your Eyes/ with Ursula Mayer, curated by Ursula Maria Probst, K/haus Passage, Vienna

2004 Camouflage Studies/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Subvisuals/ with Ken Fandell, curated by David Komary, dreizehnzwei, Vienna

2003 Spotlight/ curated by Margit Zuckriegl, Rupertinum, Salzburg

Cover Version/ curated by Ursula Maria Probst, fluc, Vienna

2001 On Site/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

2000 Memorama/ curated by Maria Vassileva, ATA Center for Contemporary Art, Sofia

1999 Double Bar/ Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin

1998 Voice Over/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

1996 Memory/ curated by Christa Steinle, Neue Galerie Studio, Graz

1995 Gaze Maze/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna


2015        Soundscapes - obras sonoras y audiovisuales/ curated by Laura Plana Gracia, Galerías de la Fonoteca

                Nacional, Mexico

                I'll be your Mirror/ curated by Franz Gebetsberger, Norbert Pfaffenbichler and Andrés Ramírez Gaviria,

                Sigmund, Vienna

2013 Land in Sight - Landscapes from the Collection/ curated by Katja Mittendorfer and Veit Ziegelmaier,

Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

2011 Inspired By/ curated by Ute Katschthaler, Topkino and sixpackfilm, Vienna

2010 Talk Talk - The Interview as Artistic Practice/ curated by Marc Ries, Reinhard Braun and Hilde

Fraueneder, Galerie 5020, Salzburg

2009 Cartographies of Non-Place/ curated by Laura Plana Gracia, Espai d'Arts Roca Umbert, Barcelona

Talk Talk - The Interview as Artistic Practice/ curated by Marc Ries, Reinhard Braun and Hilde

Fraueneder, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz

Talk Talk - The Interview as Artistic Practice/ curated by Marc Ries, Reinhard Braun and Hilde 

Fraueneder, HGB Galerie, Leipzig

Victoria Film Festival/ Dab Gallery, Victoria, British Columbia

Vicious Circle/ curated by Michaela Grill, Schloss Wolkersdorf and sixpackfilm, Vienna

2008 Arte Bregaglia/ curated by Angelika Affentranger-Kirchrath and Patrizia Guggenheim, Val Bregaglia

Ansichtssache/ curated by Jutta Strohmaier, Kunstraum NOE, Vienna

Transmediale/ curated by Nataša Petrešin Bachelez, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

Framing Location/ curated by Thomas Tode, Kinemathek Metropolis, Hamburg 

Diagonale/ curated by Birgit Flos, Festival des oesterreichischen Film, Graz

Vicious Circle/ curated by Michaela Grill, Topkino and sixpackfilm, Vienna

2007 Sommerspiel/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Video Landscape/ curated by Holger Jagersberger and Siegfried Fruhauf, Maerz Galerie, Linz

Kombinat der Sinne/ curated by Marc Ries, Université du Luxembourg

Linoleum Festival/ Museum of Modern Art, Moskau

Literature Special/ 14th Short Film Week, Regensburg

Im Vergleich/ curated by Norbert Pfaffenbichler and Dariusz Kowalski, Medienwerkstatt, Vienna

2006 The Independent Film Show/ curated by Raffaella Morra, Palazzo dello Spagnuolo, Naples

Spektrum Farbe - Kunst der Moderne/ curated by Alexandra Schantl, Landesmuseum, St. Poelten

Sublime Embrace - Experiencing Consciousness in Contemporary Art/ curated by Shirley Madill,

Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario

Postmedia Condition/ curated by Elisabeth Fiedler, Christa Steinle and Peter Weibel, Centro Cultural

Conde Duque, Madrid

Geep/ Atopia Projects and Oresman Gallery, Smith College, Northampton

6th Benefiz-Kunstauktion/ SOS Mitmensch, Palais Dorotheum, Vienna

Zeitraeume – Raumzeiten/ Vorarlberger Architektur Institut, Dornbirn

Film ist Kunst/ curated by Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Forum Mozartplatz, Vienna

Special Sonambiente - KlangKunst SoundArt/ curated by Bady Minck, Babylon Kino, Berlin

Febiofest/ The 13th Prague International Film Festival, Prague

2005 Simultan - Zwei Sammlungen Oesterreichischer Fotografie/ curated by Urs Stahel, Museum der Moderne,


Postmediale Kondition/ curated by Elisabeth Fiedler, Christa Steinle and Peter Weibel, Neue Galerie,


Sonarmatica/ Sonar Festival Exhibition, Barcelona

13th Video Art Award/ Filmbuero and Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen

Aktuelle Fotografie aus Niederoesterreich/ curated by Alexandra Schantl, Parliament Portico, Vienna

5th Benefiz-Kunstauktion/ SOS Mitmensch, Palais Dorotheum, Vienna

2004 Moving Landscapes - Landscape and Cinema/ curated by Barbara Pichler and Andrea Pollach, Synema

and Austrian Film Museum, Vienna

Geep/ Atopia Projects and Cell77, Edinburgh

Sound Studio/ Priestor Gallery, Bratislava

Phonorama - A Cultural History of the Voice as a Medium/ curated by Brigitte Felderer, ZKM - Center for

Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Born to Be A Star/ curated by Ursula Maria Probst, K/haus, Vienna

...and in between/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Gegen-Positionen - Kuenstlerinnen in Oesterreich 1960-2000/ curated by Silvie Aigner-Steiner and

Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Woerlen, Passau

Zwischenoriginal/ Praxis Kunst, Vienna

Souvenirs From/ curated by Alexandra Schantl, IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna

Begegnung auf hoechster Ebene/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

2003 Under Cover - Sound Art in Social Spaces/ curated by Morten Søndergaard and Mette Marcus, Museum

of Contemporary Art, Roskilde

Extended Play - Art Remixing Music/ curated by Gregory Burke and Simon Rees, Govett- Brewster

Gallery, New Plymouth

Treatment/ curated by Lawrence English, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane

Frauenbild/ curated by Alexandra Schantl and Gerda Lampalzer, Landesmuseum, St. Poelten

Rosen, Mimosen, Herbstzeitlosen - Kuenstlerinnen, Positionen, 1945 bis Heute/ curated by Christa

Hauer, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Silvie Aigner-Steiner and Elisabeth Voggeneder, Kunsthalle,


Interdigitate/ Moving Image Center, Auckland

2002 Gain/ curated by Kelly Taxter, apexart, New York

Manifesta 4 - Research Room/ Frankfurt am Main

ZeichenSprache/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Kunst Gegengewalt/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

H2O/ curated by Alexandra Schantl, inaugural exhibition of the Landesmuseum, St. Poelten

2001 Dot.Nu Festival/ Amsterdam and Rotterdam

Changing of Places/ curated by Maria Vassileva, Municipal Art Gallery, Sofia 

Video - Talk - Tea/ Parish Church St. Andrae, Graz

Life goes on/ IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna

2000 Sehnsucht nach Utopie - Film und Fotografie im Dialog/ Kunstadapter, Wiesbaden

Im Lauf der Dinge/ curated by Nasim Weiler and Julia Soekeland, Manege, St. Petersburg

Sonic Boom - The Art of Sound/ curated by David Toop, Hayward Gallery, London

Eigensinn und Eigensicht/ Museum auf Abruf, Vienna

Auge:Experiment/ Kaerntner Landesgalerie, Klagenfurt

Happy 00/ XX Kunstkabel, Graz

1999 RevuEs/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Klangzeichen/ curated by Mia Zabelka, Klangturm, St. Poelten

Junge Kunst aus der Sammlung Morgenbesser/ Kunsthaus, Horn

Das Ding mit dem Foto - Fotografie und Objektkunst/ Museum auf Abruf, Vienna

Vec s fotkou/ Oskar Kokoschka Gallery, Prague

Closure/ Trabant, Vienna

1998 Ghost Story - Nachbilder des Kinos/ curated by Alexander Horwath and Bernd Rebhandl, K/haus, Vienna

Freeze Frame/ curated by Grita Insam, Galerie Douyon, Miami

Freeze Frame/ curated by Grita Insam, USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa

Nexus - Kuenstlerische Interventionen im Stadtraum/ curated by Monika Leisch-Kiesl and Johanna

Schwanberg, Europaeischer Kulturmonat, Linz

Feedback/ curated by Mia Zabelka, Klangturm, St. Poelten

1997 Gramercy Hotel/ Miami

Freeze Frame/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Time is a Man, Space is a Woman/ curated by Chiara Bertola and Christa Steinle, Viafarini, Milan

Intim/ curated by Nasim Weiler, Treff Schlosshotel, Bad Arolsen

Lieu de mémoire/ curated by Marlis Nussbaumer, Château d’Aubonne, Geneva

1996 Kunstraeume Wien/ Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna

Videos/ Trabant, Vienna

Der blinde Fleck/ Oesterreichische Gallerie, Augarten Contemporary, Vienna

V6/ Brasilica, Vienna

Balance Akte/ curated by Cornelia Offergeld and Daniela Gregori, Kunsthalle, Krems

1995 Experimente/ curated by Willi Kopf, Kuenstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz

Transparenz - Kuenstlerinnen in Oesterreich/ Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch

2013 Parish Church, Traun/ invited public art contest, 1. prize

2009 Mykai, Vienna/ moment-home architects, public art commission

2007 Hospital Church, Psychiatric Clinic, Linz/ invited public art contest, 2. prize

2006 Blind Cube, Kubus Export, Vienna/ public art project (postponed due to vandalism)
Landmark, Leiser Berge/ invited public art contest
2003 Vocational College, Merano/ international open public art contest, 1. prize
2002 Children's Hospital, Graz/ invited public art contest, 1. prize
Vocational College, Poechlarn/ invited public art contest, 1. prize
2001 Parish Church, Mauthausen/ invited public art contest, 1. prize
1998 Memorial, Allentsteig/ invited public art contest


2010 Recognition Award Fine Arts, State of Lower Austria

2006 13th Video Art Award, Filmbuero Bremen, 1. prize

2005 Sound Spaces - Atmospheres Residency, Domus Academy, Venice

2003 Artist-in-Residence, School of the Art Institute, Chicago

2001 Neptun Art Award, Austrian Federal Ministry for the Environment, 1. prize

2000 Experimental film grant, Austrian Federal Cancellery

1999 Artist-in-Residence, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin

1998 Experimental film grant, Austrian Federal Ministry for the Arts

1995 Casablanca Art Award, Austrian Tobacco Industries, 1. prize


Cleveland Sight Center

Eisenstadt, Burgenlaendische Landesgalerie

Graz, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum

Graz, Sammlung des Instituts fuer Gestaltung, Technische Universitaet

Goeppingen, Staedtische Galerie

Roskilde, Museet for Samtidskunst

Salzburg, Rupertinum - Museum der Moderne

St. Poelten, Niederoesterreichisches Landesmuseum

Vienna, Kunstsammlung der Austria Tabak

Vienna, Kunstsammlung des Bundes

Vienna, Kunstsammlung der Hochschule fuer Angewandte Kunst

Vienna, Kunstsammlung der Stadt Wien

Vienna, Kunstsammlung der Wiener Staedtischen Versicherung

Vienna, museum in progress


2012-present  Curator/ Historic Photography Collection.

Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna

2012-2013  Curatorial collaboration/ Becoming (Hu)man - The Evolution of Man.

Permanent exhibition, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna

2009-2011  Co-curator/ On Your Marks - Sports and Society.

Special exhibition, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

2010  Curatorial collaboration/ The Moderns - Revolutions in Art and Science 1890-1935.

Special exhibition, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna

2007-2008  Curator media/ Herz:Rasen - The Soccer Exhibition.

Special exhibition, K/haus, Vienna

2005  Curator/ Sonic Zoom - A Video Screening.

Screening and artists' roundtable, Kunstraum dreizehnzwei, Vienna

2005-2007  Project curator/ Rudolf Poech - A Scientific Media Pioneer.

Scientific Research Project, Austrian Research Fund

2003-2005  Curator anthropology/ The Everyday - Instructions for Use.

Permanent exhibition, Technisches Museum, Vienna

1998-1999  Curator/ Wanted: Neanderthal Man - 150 Years of Evidence.

Special exhibition, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna and Natural History Museum, Zagreb

1998  Curatorial concept/ New Ethiopian National Museum.

Museum's relaunch, Ethiopian National Museum, Addis Abeba (postponed due to war)